Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul: Promoter in talks to determine what is ‘possible’ for fight rules

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A matter of ongoing speculation, the rules for the Mike Tyson-Jake Paul fight scheduled for July 20 remain undetermined, the promoter told USA TODAY Sports.

Bryce Holden, principal of Holden Boxing LLC, said he’s in talks with officials who regulate combat sports in Texas. The bout is set to be held at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, home of the Dallas Cowboys.

“It’s just been conversations to understand what could be possible, what is impossible and then us speaking to the camps (of Tyson and Paul),’’ said Holden, who added that he is “hoping to get to a resolution here soon.’’

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What remains undecided is whether the fight will be a sanctioned pro bout or exhibition along with the number of scheduled rounds, whether the rounds will be two minutes or three minutes long and the weight of the gloves.

Mike Tyson to face Jake Paul in boxing match this summer

“We’re aware that a lot of people have grown interested in the distinction and what’s going to happen and take place,’’ Holden said. “But for now it’s just, I’m close to the guys at the (Texas) commission, we have a good working relationship, so we’re talking a lot about the event as a whole.’’

Who will make decision on fight rules?

The Texas Department of Licensing Regulations (TDLR) initially told USA TODAY Sports an exhibition in Texas calls for two-minute rounds and 16-ounce gloves instead of the 10-ounce gloves Tyson used to deliver devastating knockouts during his pro career.

But subsequently, the TDLR said, “Rules are not fixed and each bout is subject to review.’’

Jake Paul to face boxing legend Mike Tyson in July exhibition fight | CNN

The TDLR has declined comment on whether the proposed fight between Tyson and Paul would be a pro fight, exhibition fight or what rules would be used. Tela Mange, Communications Manager for TDLR, said a determination cannot be made until a promoter submits the fight cards.

Holden confirmed with USA TODAY Sports he has not submitted fight cards that would include details he is negotiating with TDLR officials.

RELATED :Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson is scheduled for July 20. But fight still must be approved

Mange said by email, “TDLR carefully reviews fighters for each bout, examining their backgrounds (record, age, win/loss streak, amount of time spent out of the ring between bouts, etc.) to determine whether a contest should be a professional bout, an exhibition, or whether a contest should happen at all, based on whether an opponent is outclassed because of experience or other factors.’’

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